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Volunteer With Us

Sign Up For The Volunteer Email List

We only use this list to contact you with volunteer opportunities, and we never share our list.

Volunteers are an essential resource to LDG, a 100% volunteer effort for the 21 years we have been offering programs. Its also a great way to get involved and meet great men. We'd love to chat with you, help you find your way, and introduce you to guys we know you'll enjoy.

As a volunteer organization, LDG is unique in its ability to offer its programs free of charge. This success has been made possible by the generous contributions of time, money, and efforts of many caring sponsors, donors, presenters, attendees and especially volunteers. Volunteers, in particular, are the most valuable resource and foundation on which LDG exists.

LDG offers many different volunteer opportunities to participate and serve in effective and meaningful ways. Our volunteers learn new skills, become more visible and social, meet others, and feel supported by like-minded individuals all working towards a common vision. For those who may wish to join LDG Board of Directors, or become a board associate, becoming an LDG volunteer is the first step.

If you're able to lend a helping hand once in awhile, please join our volunteer email list - we never spam, and only use it to ask for your help once a month or so.